Friday, August 6, 2010


Today is actually Friday August 6th. I have had more than a difficult time getting internet access at all and when we do have it, it is extremely slow and will not allow for pictures to be uploaded. I decided to journal all the notes in word documents on my laptop and then to transfer then into this blog when things were working. Of course, everyday we were told it would be "in a couple hours", "tomorrow", or when we get to the next location. Problem..."tomorrow" never came. We stopped in Guantanamo Bay for a few days and I was able to get my laptop working at a Starbucks on base. I went to transfer my journal entries to my blog and my computer wouldn't turn on. SO....I need to make an appointment with the ship IT guys and see if I can get into my computer before I can transfer any of my journal entries over to this blog. For now...I want to thank everyone for thinking about me as I have received some communication from my family and via facebook. I have an incredible story to tell and one that I not only want to share in words but in pictures as well. I will get this may be after my mission is over. Just so you know... I am safe, well fed and exercising a lot, learning a great deal about the military, third world medical care and their cultures, meeting amazing people, and most of all...I am learning about ME. This has become a journey of self-exploration. Thanks for being patient with me and I miss you all. PEACE OUT


  1. you're awesome! can't wait to read all about the adventure!!

  2. Susan,

    We have been thinking about you. Hope the rest of your "voyage" is memorable and safe.

  3. The pit bull is home! Thanks for being her friend and cohort on your adventure. Can't wait to read the rest of the story. I'm sure there is a lot to tell.
