Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 1

The reality of leaving my family, my friends, my job hit me hard last night. Some may have even found me to be a little irritable (c-raig)...which was hard for me to understand. Sure I'm going to be gone a long time (longer than I have ever been away from my husband and children by weeks) so naturally I know I'm going to miss everyone. But my frustration, I realize, is that all the things that I am "in charge of", all the "ask mom(s)", all the "susan does that(s)", etc are going to be handled by someone else. I won't be needed?! The reality of everyone being able to get along fine without me...well now...that's a hard one...

Spent most of today crying. My daughter layed a new pink Bible on my stack of papers in the kitchen as I was still packing at noon. She inscribed the inside cover and then inserted as list of passages she wanted me to read first. I have never received such a gift and to be honest, I know little about it. It's not that I have no religion, mine is one that was given to me...handed down, not one that I have ever studied. My children are amazing in how they study their faith...something innate perhaps... as it has not been nurtured by me. And Abby's faith... it is truly special. I aspire to see the world through her eyes!

At the airport, craig told me to stop bieng so sad and figure out how to make the most of the experience despite missing everyone. So, I'm going to focus on learning all I can, giving all I have to others, and figuring out the "me" I am inside.
Traveled alone for the first time and I actually did ok. Made it all the way to my hotel room without any situations. I knew communication would be a problem for me once I leave the United States but didn't realize Miami was a foreign country. Once the plane landed, I only had to speak to two individuals; the hotel's shuttle bus driver and the guy at the hotel's check in desk. I couldn't understand most of everything they said the first time around...sometimes not even the second. Kinda giggled when both asked me where I was from! I was truly a foreigner in Miami. "MP" had called my cell phone several times before I got to baggage claim. He is the ProjectHOPE manager. He is an ex-Army medical operations officer with 9 years of active service and a graduate degree in International Relations. This is his 12 mission in 3 years. He too asked me where I was from about 5 minutes into our conversation...then said "huh, I lived in Clarksville, TN for quite awhile". Feeling like I just fell off the turnip truck...and I am a NORTHERNER! Anyway, I'm gonna watch a little tv, call home one last time, and get ready for tomorrow. Supposed to receive a "debriefing at 0900" and then embark the USS Iwo Jima! Oh!!! must not forget my malaria prophylaxis. Night!

1 comment:

  1. Reading Day 1 already made me cry!! I am amazed at you doing this...I think it is so Awesome! Love being able to follow you through it all! Keeping you in my prayers!
