Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 3- Tuesday July 20th

At our morning muster, we learned that we would not be leaving again today. Everyone keeps telling us that if you had any expectations, forget about them. "Hurry up...and wait" is a common theme in the military. Although I am frustrated; no cell phone unless off the ship, no Internet at all, and tired of being on this stinkin' boat, I am still hopefully expecting that this is going to be a great adventure. We met with our DNS (nursing director) of the entire operation: Continuing Promise 2010. The schedule they gave us was very disappointing. This is where I first learned when we would even arrive in Haiti. Today is the 20th and we are expected to arrive on the 23rd. Holy sh... will I ever get off the boat. (BTW: it is very disrespectful to call this vessel a boat. It should always be referred to as a ship and several of us made that mistake more than once). Anyway my schedule is off till the 28th, work two shifts (day 12 hours and then night 12 hours). It is very apparent there is a power struggle between the different branches of the service, the different ranks, and as always nurses are accustomed to "eating their young". The two of us project HOPE nurses were lost in the shuffle. Marilyn (our DON) said we could talk about it at lunch. Being stuck on this boat is creeping me out!


  1. i know you are frustrated. but this isn't the first culture shock you'll experience on the trip. you'll be working so soon, and you'll be able to use the skills you have for good.

    but the red lights would creep me out, too... i'll try to figure out a fix for that!!

    i'm lucky to have you as my aunt and godmother! can't wait to hear more stories!
