Friday, July 16, 2010

History of HOPE

HOPE refers to Project HOPE, a health education and humanitarian civic assistance organization that has partnered with the US Navy since 2005 in response to the Indonesia tsunami. Historically, they ran the SS HOPE from 1960 to 1974 which was described as a seaborne humanitarian service organization known as People to People. Since 2005, they have annually participated in 3-4 Navy missions providing volunteer health care professionals to supplement the Navy rosters. Established as Continued Promise in 2007, they have helped to treat over 400,000 patients, provide over 1.3 million services, performed over 7,000 surgeries, and trained over 100,000 health care workers and community populations solely in the Latin America region. (

This year, Continued Promise 2010, will use the USS Iwo Jima on a four rotation mission involving not only medical operations, but engineering projects and community relation projects. The USS Iwo Jima is a grey hull ship or mini aircraft carrier. It does not appear medical but has a lot of ship to shore vehicles for use (both helicopters and landing craft). (

We will embark in Miami on July 19th, sail to Haiti, then to Columbia, and fly back to Miami on August 18th. For "me"...then home on August 19th. This is the first rotation of Continued Promise 2010 and will focus on women's health and pediatrics. We have received a brief "concept of the operation"...very military...very interesting...and to me...clear as mud. I am honored and excited to begin my 32 days of HOPE!

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