Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 3- Tuesday July 20th (continued)

After nursing muster, all of medical had a muster called "quarters" on the flight deck. They line up in formation and the civilians were instructed to fall-in. It was kind of cool. Each branch of the service recited their "promise" or "pledge". They then update the entire group on different things. The next hour of every day is spent cleaning. I decided to go back up to the flight deck for a run. Up and down the landing strip ten times is 3 miles. Sandi and I ran for a good hour. We met the Commodore (top dog of the ship) although we had no idea who he was. He was very appreciative of our being on board and thanked us for giving of our sweat to the mission. We were like.."who is this emotional navy guy". Later that night when we were at the Continuing Promise 2010 meeting and it was announced, "attention for Commodore", and everyone jumped out of their seat to stand at attention. In walks the man we met on the deck running!

After our run we went back to our berthing area for a shower. Several army officers had come on board and had to share our space. They were not very happy about it as the officer's quarters are like the Ritz compared to our Motel 6. I had just got into the shower and was beginning to shampoo, when my curtain was ripped back and some deep voiced army brat was screaming, "do you think this is Hollywood?" I was in frickin' SHOCK. She then went on to describe how my showers were to be conducted for the remainder of my stay. "Turn the water on and get wet (10 seconds), turn the water off, wash/shampoo (30 sec), turn the water on and rinse (30 sec), DONE, no conditioner, no shaving, no more than 2 minutes ( and that includes drying). Of course her description was a loud bark of one word increments followed by "ma' you understand ma'am?" This is going to be a long-ass trip...

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