Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2 (Monday July 19th)

Met with several Project HOPE folks at breakfast. Marilyn (DON) first person I met, asked me to join her for breakfast. Matya (NP), Sandi (NP) and Susie (Nurse/School Counselor) joined us. All very nice. So far...
Marilyn: a PhD, FNP, professor from Texas has been on a project HOPE mission prior. She will be serving as our medical director. (about 60y/o)
Matya: RN, FNP, recently worked in New Mexico now in Southern California. Travelled extensively. (about 30). Single no children. Red head and fair. Very pleasant.
Sandi: RN, FNP (for over 30 years). Works peds and internal medicine in Maine. (Mid-50s). Married, two grown children, 4 grandchildren. Bit of a pitbull.
Susie: RN, Counselor. From northeast. Background in NICU and women’s health. Last several years has been working as a high school counselor. (about mid-50s). Two grown children, recently divorced. Very soft spoken, seemingly nervous/anxious.

First meeting with Matt:
(apparently the last as he is not going on mission with us…just learned)
Brief and vague overview of mission discussed. Announced that it didn’t appear that we would be leaving Miami today.
Met rest of Project HOPE team:
Mike: MD, expert in tropical medicine/ER doc. Spends 6 months of every year on volunteer missions, many times with projectHOPE. Very to self, not sharing anything personal. (md-late 50s).
Manish: MD, emergency doc from D.C. First time on mission, very bright, three young children at home, anxious about missing his family especially when we learned that he will not be able to use his cell phone ever. He will be serving as our Medical Director. (late 30s)
Marty: Retired military. (late 60s). Serving as our operations officer (administration). Has been on other project HOPE missions including the USS Comfort after the Haiti earthquake. Divorced twice. Seems lonely.
Eric: photo/journalist. (23y/o) just graduated from college. Major French, minor photography.
Jenny: translator (20y/o)
Dina: Translator (20y/o)
Melissa: MD (pediatrician). Tavelled the world between college and medical school and between medical school and residency. Not really working (per diem/moonlights) between trips. Not sure where her interests are. (35 y/o from Oregon). Never married, no children.
Marilyn R: Nurse midwife out of northeast. Stays to self by choice. (? Late 60s).
Sam and Steve: cousins to each other and relatives of the Secretary of Defense. (18 and 19 years old, only here through Haiti)
Instructed many military personnel are on board from all branches. Should there be an adverse weather conditions that develop causing a castrophy ( as we are in hurricane season), our mission of Continuing Promise 2010 will be aborted and we will divert to area needed and will be a rescue and recovery mission. No one will be released until after the mission stabilizes (regarding civilians only).
All these “ firsts” have been not only eye opening for me but for all as well. (Anxiety is rapidly increasing)

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