Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 2 (Monday July 19th-continued)

First group to shuttle to the ship...
ABSOLUTELY a military warship. NO STAIRS! (forget about an elevator…there is only one off the side of the ship directly into medical for incoming casualties). To navigate up and down levels, one must climb a single wide ladder, go through hatches, shimmy up/down port holes in the floor, and every passageway is a single person wide and is separated by “knee-knockers” (12 inch high steel bottoms of the hatch doors). Had to carry all belongings up many ladders (could not role luggage through passageways either). Two pieces of luggage meant two trips up and down at every section. HELL OF A WORKOUT. Oh and did I mention that when at port, passageways are NOT air conditioned.

OMG!!! So this is our “barracks” our “dormitory” our “living quarters”. The original picture they sent us was pretty overwhelming but take note of my living space now.... It’s filthy. The racks are stacked 3 high, mattresses are about 3 inches thick and 6 foot long X 3 foot wide. All belongs have to be stored under the mattress shelf (steel shelf mattress sits on and extremely heavy). Curtains close off each bunk for better sleeping. Our area holds 30 bunks and was completely filled. Two steel showers, two toilets, and two sinks for 30 women. We have two TVs that do not work, a water fountain that do not work with the front case hanging open and leaking all over. The sheets are filthy (some soiled with urine), blankets are wool, pillows smell horrendous definitely filled with dust mites. Our instructions were to get our things put away and stay in berthing area until the rest of our team mates arrived. We cleaned what we could (no cleaning products other than the sani-wipes we all brought)….and then we stood (as there was one chair that was broken and you could not sit on your bunk….it is only 18-24 inches high)…..and stood…..and stood. 6 hours. No lunch, nothing to drink, no cell phone use or Internet connection, and unable to see the outside world. I swear the room was losing air. I felt completely imprisoned, anxious, panicky.
The bunk mates in my rack are Matya and Melissa. I am in the middle.

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